One of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal fillers popularity is that it can be completely dissolved with an enzyme called hyaluronidase.
Hyaluronidase is manufactured from either bovine (cow) or ovine (sheep), so there is a remote possibility of having an allergic reaction to this commercially available product. There also seems to be a crossover with people that are allergic to bees/wasps. A patch test will be performed prior to dissolving HA dermal fillers, to check for allergic reaction.
Hyaluronidase is used for dissolving HA filler in the following instances:
The filler is lumpy or has nodules and doesn’t respond to massage and time (especially in lips).
The filler was over done/over filled and it is not aesthetically pleasing.
There is prolonged swelling, particularly around the eye.
An infection has occurred in the area of prior filler.
Rare possible allergic reaction to the HA filler.
Rare Vascular occlusion (filler blocking a blood vessel).
There are a couple of limiting factors when injecting Hyaluronidase:
It is not as precise as the filler injection, so it can also remove some of the filler that you wanted to stay along with the unwanted filler.
Also, dosing (how much is use), is not an exact science. It may take more than one treatment to dissolve the dermal filler.
The results can occur within minutes, but can take 24/48 hours to fully appreciate effects.
An injection with hyaluronidase can get you back to where you used to be in about 24/48 hours.
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